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Tel Arad and the Book of Mormon: Evidence from reformed Egyptian and burnt them without Jerusalem in Lehi

Two criticisms old against the Book of Mormon are, first, the book presents a Jewish Lehi seasoned in the Hebrew and the Egyptian to the year 600 BC, his family teaching both languages, when - say critics - Shall only speak Hebrew. And second, is that he and his family offered burnt on an altar outside the Temple of Jerusalem, when, say critics - that the concept of "centrality of worship" of eventually ban Deuteronomy 12 . The discovery of Tel Arad ( see location ) provides strong evidence against both these criticisms: evidence from Hebrew renovated by the Egyptian and that the Jews of Tel Arad God had a temple with an altar for burnt offerings and sacrifices, as the Mosaic law.

From "Tel Arad - Implications For the Book of Mormon" by Research by Kerry A. Shirts. Adaptation by Israel Gonzalez.
panoramic view of Tel Arad in the Negev, Israel

reformed Hebrew by egicio in 600 BC at Tel Arad

Tel Arad comes to show that Jews and Egyptians were mixed in the days of Lehi (700-600 BC). In fact, there is a ostracon that shows the Hebrew and Egyptian heriático combined into a single letter, together. Egyptian values \u200b\u200bare put in their Hebrew equivalents in the same jargon (Egyptian suggesting a different, or as the Book of Mormon says, a reformed Egyptian )
The person who wrote this obviously ostracon was familiar with both languages \u200b\u200band comes to bear well, that Lehi taught his children in these two languages: Hebrew and Egyptian.

non-Mormon scholars, both secular and biblical faith have given this evidence:

  1. Ivan Tracy Kaufman - "New Evidence For Hieratic Numerals on Hebrew Weights "in" Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research "- BASRA - N ° 188, December 1967, pp. 39-41.
  2. Yohanan Aharoni - "The Use of Numerals in Hebrew Hieratic Ostraca and the Shekel Weights", in Basra, No. 184, December 1966, pp. 13-19.
  3. Rudolf Cohen - "Biblical Archaeologist", Spring 1981, pp. 98F. "Kadesh-Barnea Excavationsat 1976-1978," showing photographs of ostracon called "The Hebrew ostracon Hieratical the seventh and sixth centuries BC"
  4. Rudolf Cohen - "Did I Excavate Kadesh-Barnea?" in "Biblical Archaeology Review, May / June 1981, pp. 27-29 showing an analysis of the Hebrew ostracon esrito the hieratic. There are combinations [the Egyptian] in numerals and in several Hebrew terms.
  5. Sh. Yeivin - "A Ostracon of Tel Arad exhibits the combination of two letters" in "Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol 55/56, 1969-70, pp. 98-102
  6. It also shows the weights Egyptians to the Hebrew is David Diringer, "The Early Hebrew Weights found at Lachish" in "Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 1942-43, pp. 88-101.
  7. Y. Aharoni, "Hebrew Ostraca from Tel Arad," in "Israel Exploration Journal, 1966, pp. 1-7.
  8. S. Yeivin - "A Hieratic Ostracon from Tel Arad," in "Israel Exploration Journal, 1966, pp. 153-159. Notes that the amazing thing is that there is still evidence that Egyptians worked with the Hebrews as mercenaries in the army of Judea at the time (p. 158)
  9. AF Rainey, "Semantic Parallels to the Samaria Ostraca" in "Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 1970-71, pp. 45-51.

Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was the capital for sacrificial in 600 BC at Tel Arad

also Jews from Tel Arad, had their own temple with an altar for burnt offerings to God. It was discovered by famed archaeologist Yohanan Aharoni in 1962.

The temple stood with the inscription "House of the Lord "(House of YHWH). He had incienciarios and a stone altar as a centerpiece. The Temple was only sacrificial purposes. So also the Book of Mormon Lehi shown sacrificing debiesen apparently have been made only in Jerusalem but that given the distance from it, such as in the case of the inhabitants of Tel Arad, were justified (see 1 Nephi 5:9 , 7:22) and were an exception to the centrality of worship in Deuteronomy 12.


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