Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blood 3 Days Before Period

papyrus ostracon Samaria and in the Red Sea coast

The Book of Mormon presents "Lehi, a prophet born in Jerusalem to the late seventh century BC The Bible does not check for Lehi as a proper name male. However, two important recent archaeological discoveries support the position of the Book of Mormon.

From "Journal of Book of Mormom" Vol.19, No. 1, pp 14-21 Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute, 2010. Author: Jeffrey R. Chadwick.

The Book of Mormon presents "Lehi, a prophet born in Jerusalem to the late seventh century BC (see 1 Nephi 1:4). There is currently no consensus among LDS scholars about how to spell or pronounced the man's name in Hebrew of his time. Suggests a very strong possibility that LHY was which correspond to Lehy prununciacion With a soft and a hard h (ch as the name of Ba ch.) 1 This would be the same spelling and pronunciation of the same geographical name Lehi ( Lehy ) located in the biblical story of Samson (see Judges 15:9, 14), where the Hebrew word means "cheek" or "jaw", as in the story of the jaw of an ass (Lehy) and is also used as a weapon (Judges 15:15). 2 Because the Hebrew word LHY not used as a noun in the Bible, skeptics could suggest that Joseph Smith simply appropriated it to a personal name in the Book of Mormon.

However, two different archaeological twentieth century, Palestine show at the end l H and being used as a proper noun, masculine . An inscription found in a papyrus fragment found in 1962 between the Samaria papyri from Wadi el-Daliyeh, H l is retained as the main element of a compound name. The other inscription that H l is left alone as a personal name appears in a ostracon (a fragment inscribed on pottery) found in 1939 in Tell el-Kheleifeh (former Eloth [or Elat or Eilat] ) in the Red Sea coast. This article describes and assesses these two registrations personal name "Lehi" the Book of Mormon.

The 2071 Ostracon

Una imagen de un ostracon
Although registration of Tell el-Kheleifeh already mentioned previously in the literature SUD (Hugh Nibley, 1950, "Lehi in the Desert"), am the first [ie Jeffrey R. Chadwick] in testing. The inscription was discovered by Nelson Glueck , a renowned archaeologist in the Near East in the twentieth century, president of Hebrew Union College and the Jewish Institute religion. Glueck excavated for three seasons from 1938 to 1940 in Tell el-Kheleifeh (usually identified with Eloth of the Bible. See 1 Kings 9:26, 2 Kings 14:22, 16:6), located on the north shore of the Sea Red in the Gulf of Aqaba. 3 During the season of 1939, the team discovered the inscription Glueck referred in his report as "ostracon 2071, remnants of buildings from the previous V, Persian period (V-IV centuries BC), characterized by Edomite domination in the old corn. Sherds of imported Attic black glass, typical of the Persian era, found themselves in the same building as the ostracon, and were dated between V and IV centuries BC According to the description of the discovery of Glueck, tablet, ceramic four sides of 2 x 3 "whose writing was" a piece thick, thin, compact baked in a jar, wet smooth skin-colored, multi- white small white bumps. The exterior, moderately soft, slightly smooth, gray to white fine lime, which makes it less legible inscription in ostracon himself in the photographs of himself taken with various filters. " 4 Registration consists of four horizontal lines and written in black ink in Aramaic of the Persian era. Glueck prepared a fax and photo for publication ostracon [is in the original article].

Although incomplete, due to breaking, four-line inscription reads as follows (transcript Latin letter by Glueck, transcribing Hebrew author) 5 :

šlmn ʿ bd שלמן עבד
ʿ b [d] [לח 'עב [ד
b ʿ mind' בעל
Su ʿ ʾ אשבע

The name LHY (.. .) in the second line is the same Bible that the name spelling Lehi (Judges 15:14) and suggested to me the Hebrew spelling of the name Lehi in Jerusalem. Glueck, however, makes it pours like "Lahai."

First line: "Salman, the servant of [...]"
Second line:" Lahai, the slave [or] "
Third line: a partial name for" Baal, "perhaps "Baali [s]" (cf. Jeremiah 40:14)
Fourth line: a name unknown, may ʿ ʾ Sb \u200b\u200b(Ashba?) ʾ Sb \u200b\u200b(Ashab?) servant [or] 6

Glueck date the first three lines of writing in the V century BC, but assumes that the fourth line of writing was added at a later date in the fourth century BC As the name of l H, Glueck found that ought to be vocalized as "Lahai" (pronounced - Hai) which was primarily a Southern Semitic name: "The name Lahai occurs quite often, either as part of a compound, or a different name of a deity or a person, in particular Minaeanos texts, Tamudo and Arabs. " 7 However, a footnote to the citation of Glueck was added by the editor BASRA, William F. Albright, who suggested that "the vocalization Luhai sería preferible." 8 El termino sugerido Luhai será revisado más adelante en este artículo.

Como ya se señaló, la primera mención de este "Lahai" en la literatura mormona fue por Hugh Nibley en su serie "Lehi en el Desierto", que apareció en la revista Improvement Era en 1950. Nibley menciona el hallazgo, muy brevemente, en un solo párrafo que escribió sobre los aspectos del nombre Lehi:

"Una cosa es cierta, Lehi es un nombre personal. Hasta hace poco tiempo este nombre era totalmente desconocido, pero ahora ha aparecido en Elot y en otros lugares en el sur y ha sido identificado por 'Lahai'." 9

Nibley en realidad did not mention that "the name Lahai" was written in a pottery pot, although in the article was a little drawing of ostracon 2071 (as originally published by BASRA in 1940). The title of the drawing mentioned that ostracon had been found in corn (Tell el-Kheleifeh) to identify that part of the inscription is "LHY ʿ b [d] ..." the servant of ...'". LHY 10 Although the drawing does not appear in any later versions of the book of Lehi in the desert , Nibley's statement about the discovery of Glueck is essentially the same.

In An Approach to the Book of Mormon , Nibley study published by the Church in 1957 in a Melchizedek Priesthood manual, Nibley mentions that the name "Lahai" actually appeared in a ostracon:

"Lehi's name is found only as part of place names in the Bible. Only in the last twenty years is a pot in ear (where the path of Lehi encounters "the source of the Red Sea") that bears the name of a man, LHI, very clearly written on it ... While Glueck replaces [arbitrarily] vowels so that the name Lahai, Paul Haupt made a special study to Lehi, and gives the mysterious meaning of the 'cheek' [the term] " 11

A brief allusion to the discovery de Glueck del nombre de Lehi apareció en una sola frase de Nibley en el Improvement Era de 1964, "Desde Cumorah": "Lo que nos recuerda que en 1938 [1939] Nelson Glueck demostró por primera vez que Lehi era un auténtico nombre semítico occidental, en el área fronteriza cerca del Mar Rojo."  12 No hubo ninguna ilustración del ostracon en el Improvement Era "Desde Cumorah", pero un dibujo de éste fue publicado en la edición del libro. 13

En todas las obras citadas antes, Nibley solamente citó ejemplos no hebreos como evidencia que el nombre Lehi del Libro de Mormón fue escrito correctamente con las consonantes semíticas l-ḥ-y . 14 Has not matched the name of the Book of Mormon with the Hebrew term having the same spelling, namely from H and I, in Judges 15, as a place name meaning "cheek" or "jaw." He seems to have accepted, without question, the provision of Glueck ostracon l h and 2071 as "Lahai," instead of Albright "Luhai." 15

Nibley I agree that the discovery of three-letter name l ostracon ḥ and 2071 is notable because it shows the spelling as it was a personal name, so claims the appearance of Lehi as a name in the Book of Mormon. I'm saying this Nibley according to the Book of Mormon, Lehi was written the name l-h-y. However, unlike sudsemitas examples of Nibley, I suggested (and I'm suggesting) that Lehi's personal name is a Hebrew word equivalent to the rise in Judges 15, and with the same meaning "cheek" or "jaw" . 16 Lehi was a Jew who had "dwelt at Jerusalem all his life" (1 Nephi 1:4). I do not think it more likely that you have been given a name sudsemítico by Jewish parents (if the name was Lahai or Luhai), but rather a linguistically Hebrew name: Lehi, pronounced Lehy .

In this regard, is important to bear in mind some important facts. The Ostracon 2071 (1) was found in the cultural context Edomite V century BC, and (2), was written in Aramaic script. Not found in the context of South Arabia, or any type of ancient South Arabian script. The Edomites spoke a northwestern Semitic language related to Hebrew that most South Arabian, and the geographic Edomite was not intended as an Arab land. In fact, Edom was always territorially contiguous with Judah, and during the Persian period Edomite territory had included the Negev and the desert areas west of the Jordan fault. With regard to linguistic influences that may have been found in the names Edomites, is also likely that Jewish names / Hebrew are found in the Edomite Eloth like South Arabian names are there too. In this sense, is not entirely unlikely that the ostracon LHY 2071 could have been really pronounced like the Hebrew Lehy - indeed may be even more plausible that a South Arabic pronunciation.

Lehi's name on a piece of papyrus from Wadi

In turning to the territory that was clearly influenced by the Hebrew, now we can report that Lehi is identifiable as a male personal name of Samaria Papyrus found in Wadi el-Daliyeh, whose location is in the West Bank called the land of Israel. Lehi (LHY, ...) appears in the compound name אבלחי, blḥy ʾ, which probably gave av-Lehy or maybe avi-Lehy. If the name had to be used in the King James translation of what is likely or Abilehi Ablehi would be more correct. The meaning of the name could be "the Father Lehi" or "My Father Lehi."

Before discussing specifically the papyrus where he found the name, it is good to give a brief account of the discovery of Papyrus Samaria. The papyrus was found in 1962 in a cave in a desolate desert canyon Wadi el-Daliyeh, located about 20 miles northwest of Jericho on the edge of the failure of Jordan. (At that time, the area was under the administration of the government of Jordan, the State of Israel took control of the area in June 1967.) The poorly preserved papyrus was discovered by Bedouin tribe Taamireh (also known to be the ones who found the Dead Sea Scrolls near Qumran in 1947). Through the offices of Roland de Vaux of École Biblique et archéologique Française of Jerusalem, Paul W. Lapp American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem (now the WF Albright Institute of Archaeological Research) and Frank Moore Cross of Harvard University, the papyrus was purchased in November 1962 for presentation at the Palestine Archaeological Museum in Jerusalem (now the Rockefeller Museum). 17 Two seasons of excavations at the cave site made Lapp and the American School in January 1963 and February 1964. Skeletal remains of more than 200 bodies were recovered, apparently all killed in the ancient cave. IV century BC pottery was also recovered. In total, 128 clay seal impressions (bullae), 70 of which were readable, and the original papyrus, in the excavations. Also 18 coins dating from the late Persian period, immediately before Alexander's conquest of Samaria in 332 a. C. 19

Cross, who worked on the reconstruction and translation of the papyrus texts, suggests a historical setting for the slaughter in the cave of El-Daliyeh. After initially curried favor with Alexander on his arrival in the region in 332 a. C., the Samaritans rebelled and were burned alive by the prefect of Alexander in Syria. Alexander returned to the city of Samaria and destroyed, and resettled in Macedonia where a colony. Cross Samaritans believes that responsible leaders of the rebellion fled to Samaria, with the arrival of Alexander, heading toward the Wadi Farah in the desert to cave in Wadi el-Daliyeh. A considerable number of families were among the refugees, possibly with some of his slaves, and of course with ceramic vessels and their food supply. They also brought important documents, including letters and others on the papyrus and seals. The papyrus represents records of the fourth century BC Macedonian finally discovered the hideout of the Samaritans, probably through treachery, and killed all those who had fled. 20

Ablehi name (for transliteration shall use the simple sum of ʾ blḥy ) appears in the document described as "WDSP papd of Ar F Slave Sale ". 21 the worn papyrus roll measures 33.4 cm long and 7.6 cm wide. When unrolled, the 12 lines of text written to its width were detected (no hand writing rear). Douglas M. Gropp estimated that less than 14 percent of the original text was retained. The only name that was Ablehi was well preserved, and, notably, the five letters of the name are visible. Part of the last two letters, H and, and worn out, but are sufficiently marked to be positively identified. The letter l is prefixed to the name as a preposition indicating the person is being sold fruit a transaction. Reconstruction for Gropp the cracked remnants of text is a typical pattern of the slave trade, which indicates that Ablehi and another person were sold into slavery by a party to the other for a certain amount of money, witnessing the act and the governor prefect. The name Ablehi, with the area code l, appears as the first word of line 2, which is to say that he appears as the first of the six letters blḥy ʾ l combination.

Cross, the first scholar to read or rebuild and then vocalize the names found in the papyrus of Samaria, blḥy ʾ not drawing the way I above. By contrast, a study originally prepared in 1978-79, and was published by American Schools of Oriental Research in 2006, Cross said that "probably the name is read as abi-luḥay ʾ, 'My father is (the divine) Luḥay." Luḥay is the name of an ancient god of South Arabia and is the same as the name Luhai Albright suggested as a reading of LHY in ostracon 2071. Cross does not offer any comment or explanation of why the Arabic name of a deity is the preferred reading for the element l ḥ three letter and a document Samaritan, beyond noting that Luḥay is a common element in Arab names. 22 Similarly Gropp, without comment or explanation, continue reading Cross, except that he explains with an "i" in English (ʾ Abiluḥai) instead of a "Y". 23

In fact, however, the nature of the name Hebrew is supported by its appearance among the Jewish-Aramaic names of the Persian period in Egypt. There the name is' לוח, lūḥī. 24 The name does not have to be a cultural remnant of ethnic Arabs who came to Samaria by Sargon II in the eighth century BC, after the Assyrian deportation of much of the Israeli population. Also Cross 25 shows that the number of Hebrew names of Samaria Papyrus is much greater than the number of non-Hebrew names. Of the 69 names of the notes of Cross, 28 contained the Hebrew element h theophoric or yhw (Yah or Yahu), and 16 were the Hebrew names familiar to the Bible. The total number of Hebrew names in the papyri of Samaria is 44, compared with only 25 non-Jews according to the opinion of Cross. 26 Includes abi-lu ʾ T here, with its southern course Arab element in its tally of non-Hebrew names, but identified only 2 other names of the 69 that could possibly contain elements Arabs [d ] wmn and lnry . 27 This collection, however, so heavily weighted in favor of the Hebrew names, it seems strange that Cross did not consider the possibility that the item ʾ l bl H and H and should be read as the Hebrew ḥ him and instead of Arabic ḥ lu ay. In fact, given that H is a known geographical name in the Hebrew Bible, it seems more likely reading far l H and a body that is mostly in Hebrew with the names of Israel, and this despite the fact that it is not a personal name in the Bible.

Pronunciation ḥ him and instead of lu T here is also supported by the Amorite personal name to h l i w-malik , found in a letter from the Middle Bronze Age, dating back a thousand years before the time of Lehi. 28 was Amorite language, a dialect spoken in the West Semitic Middle Bronze Age and is related to other West Semitic languages \u200b\u200blike Hebrew and Aramaic. This is the only occurrence laḫwi element in a personal name in cuneiform texts from Mesopotamia. If the normal rules of vowel change is assumed, the term Amorite laḫwi became the Hebrew years later lehi. 29 In any case, if the item laḫwi name is the same element in H l behalf of the Samaria Papyri, then the latter will be pronounced h i. Because this element is a name legomenon in Amorites, would be foolish not to put to no meaning. Suffice to say, I could not decide Luhai. 30

Ablehi would be typical of the Hebrew Israelite patriarchal compound nouns, combining Hebrew ʾ b (v, ...), which means "father" or bi ʾ (avi, ...), which means " my father "with a second word or proper name. Examples of such compounds patriarchal names in the Old Testament include: Abner (av-ner), Absalom (av-shalom), Abinadab (avi-Nadav) and Abimelech (avi-melekh .) As a Jewish name, join the group Ablehi 34 names patriarchal known compounds, of which 24 appear in the Old Testament, 31 and 10 additional names not found in the Bible, but they appear in popular writings and Hebrew seals. 32

In any case, if the element l H Ablehi name is intended to refer to the "cheek" or "jaw" or as a reference to a father whose name was Lehi, the fact that it appears a name in the Samaria Papyrus is an important piece of evidence supporting the idea that Lehi is a proper name Israel as the narration is in 1 Nephi. The appearance Ablehi name in the papyrus of Samaria (and the name of l H and ostracon 2071) is a second witness that confirms that the name of Lehi was used effectively as a proper name masculine in Israel during the Iron Age. Conclusion


l H Ablehi item was written in Aramaic script of the Persian period, as the name of l H and ostracon in 2071, and that the two names inscribed even seem a lot, too seems significant. If, in fact, is quite plausible that the element l Ablehi pm and is actually a Hebrew name (in a context Samaritan north of Judea), therefore, the plausibility of ḥ l and ostracon 2071 is a Hebrew name (in a context Edomite, south of Judea) has been strengthened.

is also an interesting coincidence that similar evidence for the name of Lehi's wife come from a papyrus, written in Aramaic in the Persian period, in the era after the sixth century BC. The Jewish-Hebrew name Sariah appears in an Aramaic papyrus V century BC The document is known as the C-22 (or Cowley-22), and was found at Elephantine in Upper Egypt by the year 1900. The appearance of the name Sariah was first published as a possible example of the Book of Mormon names female name for myself in 1993. 33 The female name Sariah not in the Bible, like the male name of Lehi either. However, both appear in the Book of Mormon. We can now identify both Jewish and Hebrew names such as names Sariah in the Elephantine papyri and papyrus Lehi in Samaria and in 2071 ostracon represents two significant advances in corroborating the authenticity of them.

Notes 1. (...) The Hebrew LHY and its transliteration "Lehi" in 1 Nephi, see Jeffrey R. Chadwick, "The Names Lehi and Sariah-Language and Meaning," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 9 / 1 (2000): 3 and 38-39; Dana M. Pike, "Response to Paul Hoskisson's" Lehi and Sariah, '" 35-36, and John A. Tvedtnes, "Lehi and Sariah Comments," 37.

2. The Judges 15:19 KJV has "jaw" (LHY) and "Lehi" (LHY) in the same verse.

3. For a further description of the excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh, see "Kheleifeh, Tell el-" (by Nelson Glueck and Gary D. Pratico) in New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, ed. Ephraim Stern (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993-2008), 3:867-70.

4. Nelson Glueck, "Ostraca from Elath," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. 80 (December 1940): 4.

5. Glueck, "Ostraca from Elath" 4.

6. Glueck, "Ostraca from Elath," 5—7.

7. Glueck, "Ostraca from Elath," 6.

8. Glueck, "Ostraca from Elath," 6 n. 6.

9. Hugh Nibley, "Lehi in the Desert," parte 2, Improvement Era, February 1950, 156; reimpreso (con alteraciones) in Nibley's Lehi in the Desert and The World of the Jaredites (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1952), 44, y en Hugh Nibley, "Men of the East," en Lehi in the Desert/The World of the Jaredites/There Were Jaredites, CWHN 5 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1988), 41.

10. Los dibujos del Ostracon 2071 aparecen en Hugh Nibley, "Lehi in the Desert," parte 2, Improvement Era, de Febrero 1950, 104. It is unclear if the drawing was made by Nibley form or the editor of the magazine.

11. Hugh Nibley, An Approach to the Book of Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1957), 251, notes on p. 407. This book was reissued in the edition of 1964 (Deseret Book) and a third edition (cn minor alterations) in 1988, see Hugh Nibley, "Proper Names in the Book of Mormon," in An Approach to the Book of Mormon, 3rd ed., CWHN 6 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1988), 290, 500 n. 31. Nibley why he thought it was "mysterious" that Lehi meant "cheek" is that it is not clear given his vast knowledge in Hebrew. He could have thought it was mysterious because the use of body parts was rare ancient Hebrew names. And Paul Haupt did not refer to the name in 2071 from the publication Ostracon by Haupt in Nibley in notes at the same datandolo in 1914 ("Heb. Lehi, cheek, and LOAC, jaw," Journal of Biblical Literature 33 [1914 ]: 290-95) and ostracon was not discovered until 1939.

12. Hugh Nibley, "Since Cumorah," Improvement Era, October 1964, 845. The series "Since Cumorah" was widely scattered (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1967), even in a second edition, CWHN 7 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1988). The same and only reference to Nelson Glueck and Lehi is the same in all versions of Since Cumorah: 60 (1967 ed.), 53-54 (1988 ed.).

13. Drawing attention to the issues in ostracon Since Cumorah is much shorter and less relevant than the "Lehi in the Desert" in the Improvement Era. Incidentally, the drawing in Since Cumorah does not appear in the context of referencing Nibley Glueck's findings in any discussion following 133 pages Egyptian names: 193 (1967 ed.), 169 (1988 ed.).

14. When Nibley made his research, examples of l-h-and that they had were always under a non-Hebrew. This article demonstrates, incidentally, that it existed in the context of the ancient Hebrew in Israeli land.

15. Luhai the pronunciation suggested by Albright, seems to support the spell 'לוח, lūḥī among Jewish names / Aramid Persian period in Egypt. See Bezalel Porten and Jerome A. Lund, Aramaic Documents from Egypt: A Key-Word-in-Context Concordance, ed. Stephen A. Kaufman (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2002), 366.

16. Chadwick, "The Names Lehi and Sariah," 32-34.

17. Frank Moore Cross, "Papyri of the Fourth Century BC from Dâliyeh," in New Directions in Biblical Archaeology, ed. David Noel Freedman and Jonas C. Greenfield (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969), 41-42.

18. Cross, "Papyri of the Fourth Century B.C. from Dâliyeh," 45—47.

19. Cross, "Papyri of the Fourth Century B.C. from Dâliyeh," 48.

20. Cross, "Papyri of the Fourth Century B.C. from Dâliyeh," 51—52.

21. "WDSP papDeed of Slave F ar" stands for "Wadi el-Daliyeh Samaria Papyri—papyrus deed of slave 'F'—Aramaic." See Douglas M. Gropp, Wadi Daliyeh II, The Samaria Papyri from Wadi Daliyeh, Discoveries in the Judean Desert (DJD) XXVIII (Oxford: Clarendon, 2001), 75, document 6, and plate VI.

22. Frank Moore Cross, "Personal Names in the Samaria Papyri," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. 344 (November 2006): 76, 86.

23. Gropp, Wadi Daliyeh II, 75.

24. See Porten and Lund, Aramaic Documents from Egypt, 366.

25. See the Annals of Sargon, Seventh Year, in The Ancient Near East, Volume 1, An Anthology of Texts and Pictures, ed. James B. Pritchard (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1958), 196.

26. Cross, "Personal Names in the Samaria Papyri," 86.

27. Cross, "Personal Names in the Samaria Papyri," 77, 82.

28. For the name, see Georges Dossin, ed. and trans., Correspondance Féminine (Paris: Geuthner, 1978), letter 141:2; for the transcription and translation of this letter, see ibid., 202—3. The find spot, Mari, lies on the Euphrates River, about 11 kilometers north of the Iraq / Syrian border. At the time, Mari WAS Amorites Who Ruled by the Old Babylonian language Used, But Their names betray Their West Semitic origin and heritage.

29. laḫwi show up as commonly accepted in all the ancient Semitic languages. The qatl forms in Hebrew Into segholate morph forms-that is, Would Become laḫwi, Because it is weak final, Lehi.

30. Agadezco my colleague and friend, Paul Y. Hoskisson, for calling attention to personal names Mari and many other equally useful in preparing this article.

31. Patriarchal compound nouns in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) include a Abner ... (2 Samuel 2:8, 12), Absalom ... (2 Samuel 3:3; 13:20), Abram ... (Genesis 11:26), Abraham ... (Genesis 17:5), Abimelech ... (Genesis 20:2; Judges 8:31), Abinadab ... (1 Samuel 7:1; 16:8; 31:2), Abiasaph ... (Exodus 6:24), Abiathar ... (1 Samuel 22:20), Abidan ... (Numbers 1:11), Abiezer ... (Joshua 17:2; 2 Samuel 23:27), Abigail ... (1 Samuel 25:3, female name), Abihu ... (Exodus 6:23), Abihud ... (1 Chronicles 8:3), Abijah ... (1 Kings 14:1; Abiah, 1 Samuel 8:2), Abijam ... (1 King 14:31), Abinoam ... (Judges 4:6), Abiram ... (Numbers 16:1), Abishag ... (1 Kings 1:3, female name), Abishai ישיבא (1 Samuel 26:6), Abishalom ... (1 Kings 15:2), Abishua ... (1 Chronicles 6:4), Abishur ... (1 Chronicles 2:28), Abital ... (2 Samuel 3:4), y Abitub ... (1 Chronicles 8:11).

32. Véase Nahman Avigad, Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals, revisado y completado por Benjamin Sass (Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities et al., 1997). A list of av and avi names appears on page 592 and includes the following thirteen (ten of which are not found in the Bible): אבגיל (avgayil, #31, #32, two different instances, both female, similar to Abigail in the Bible), ... (avḥalal, #1081), ... (av-ad, #724), ... (avadan, #869, female), ... (avoz, #1012), ... (av-al, #878), ... (avrihu, #47), ... (avram, #1013, same name as Abram in the Bible), ... (avsa, #48), ... (avshua, #49), ... (avibaal, #1122), ... (avihu, #45, similar to Abihu in the Bible), ... (aviu, #4, #46, two different instances), ... (avyeḥi, #867, #868, two different instances). Avigad characterizes the names as Hebrew, Ammonite, Moabite, Aramaic, and possibly Phoenician (however he does not identify any of the above as having any Arabic elements). The list above also does not include several names with the distinctive Ammonite avgad element.

33. Jeffrey R. Chadwick, "Sariah in the Elephantine Papyri," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2 / 2 (1993): 196-200.


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