Sunday, October 24, 2010

How To Make Fondant Ballet Slippers

the first 40 pages of the Book of Mormon Nephi

How difficult would be for someone to describe a particular area at a specific time of a geographically unexplored for its time, write about their customs, rituals, thoughts, ways of acting, etc. and also hit in each of these points, all this is only considering the first 40 pages of the Book of Mormon.

Now all this information when it was published in 1830, no one could refute it or discuss it with a solid support since there was very little was known of the desert but what we say the current archaeological discoveries? Is there currently enough reliable information to analyze the story of Lehi these days? the solution to these questions is an emphatic yes, thanks to huge research Archeological by world-renowned scholars is much the material currently being counted as letters, labels, boxes, etc. objects unearthed writings. as the scholar Nibley question "Could anyone have imagined that one day Lehi would be confronted with the same eyewitness who claims he witnessed scenes?.

A world of discovery and evidence of how people lived in East same time that Lehi left Jerusalem "and this supports the Book of Mormon and validates Lehi as an eyewitness of all the facts stated? course if, in an impressive way correct, in addition to all the geographical description of places and directions already discussed above there are many questions that are now answered with evidence of great weight, Nibley made a compilation of questions about the story of Lehi and the same is given the job of answering them one by one with strong support research verifiable sources and real, many questions that previously had no response and now if they do thanks to these advances in research.

I invite you to make the coming year and hope you can do, imagine that you would perform the following questions, I try to answer them without error, then consult the book "Lehi in the Desert and the World of Jaredites." Hugh B. Nibley. (You can download and found that the responses and compare their results, as will be surprised, I assure you will immediately wonder how Joseph Smith could know all this if it was just a peasant in 1800? the answer will alone, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon because it was written by eyewitnesses of the time.

All this in just the first 40 pages? if only in its first 40 pages, I wonder if this happens to imagine the rest of the book, which also contains wonderful information which was only written by people who if they lived at the time, these are questions

"In light of all this new evidence, the defense requested the most careful that the case be reopened.

So Lehi and new witnesses are examined simultaneously and compared their responses. The questions are brief and concise:

What is your name? Do not you know that name does not correspond to that of a person? (A wine is produced from the time of Lehi and Lehi named, not one out of the ordinary.) Where did you live at that time? What do you mean by "the land of Jerusalem"? Does it mean the city of Jerusalem? (The defense presents an old letter which shows that the territory adjacent to the city was known as the land of Jerusalem.) Who ruled Jerusalem? What kind of men were they? What did you do to turn them against you? Where did you get the richness of speaking your children? How did you learn the Egyptian language? Was not a waste of time? Why not learn the Babylonian, a language much more similar to yours? What was the problem raised among members in your family?

I have a list of names here, your family and ancestors intended:

Do you expect the court believes to be genuine? If it is a genuine list, why does not contain names with the prefix Baal? You say you had dreams about what? A river? What kind of river? What is this madness of "vapor of darkness"? Have you seen anything like it while you've been awake? (Dozens of witnesses testify.) Do not you think that a dream is a weak and pathetic excuse for leaving your home and leave the country? In what direction did you run away? How You could form a large caravan without being an expert on it? What do you bring? Travelling on foot? How do you manage to survive with women and children in a terrible desert? How did you escape from being killed by vagabonds and marauders? Do not know how dangerous it can be the desert? What are feeds? Travelling all the time? When camping, what was the first thing you did? What kind of altar? What kind of prey cazaste? Where? How? Who was the hunter? You say your son made a bow to what part of the desolate Saudi wood found such a thing? What right had to go around giving new names to places? Do you think any sane person would give the river valley and the different names? (A wave of protests from the Arabs in the room is heard.) Does anyone call the Red Sea a source? Do not know that there are no rivers in Saudi? That little speech you gave to your children, is not it a bit far-fetched? (More protests from the Bedouins.) Is not it silly to describe a valley as "firm and unchangeable"? Where were your children when they returned to Jerusalem

? What is that in a cave? Are not the metal plate material more difficult to record in the records? Are not fifty men a ridiculously small amount for a fitting in a city like Jerusalem? Describes

nocturnal encounters between the old and the commander, would not it have been wiser to hold such meetings during the day? Do you want the court believes that you took seeds during a trip as long and exhausting? Are you trying to tell the court that found a haven on the southern edge of the most inhospitable region on earth?

And so on. Perhaps you could add some questions to the

list-there are over a hundred possibilities identified in our study and most of them one in the world could've correctly answered 120 years ago.

The 1st author. Nephi was confronted with about a hundred delicately interrelated problems and extreme difficulty. The probability of get away with a statement plausible conjecture once or twice is sufficiently vague, but the odds of correctly repeated a hundred times in rapid succession is infinitely remote. The world through which Lehi traveled was to the western city of 1830 an indecipherable riddle, lost deep in an impenetrable fog, the best students of the Bible were hopelessly ill-informed about Palestine. The scientific study of the Holy Land begins with Edward Robinson in 1838, "


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