Things got really tough when Nephi broke his bow of fine steel, as the arches of his brothers had "lost its elasticity" (1 Ne. 16:21; Semitic note the peculiar use of the plural of a noun of quality) and despite being skilled in the art of hunting, they knew very little about bow-making, an activity reserved for specialists, even among the most primitive peoples
Incidentally it is worth remembering that the experts state that a good archery bow keeps its elasticity for approximately one hundred thousand rounds, so one could calculate Lehi's company at the time of the crisis of the arches had been traveling for at least one to three years. Left out of the question making the familiar arc of fine steel, and it was somewhat surprising when Nephi "did a wooden arch "(1 Ne. 16:23), a hunter, the most cautious of men, even in dreams would be willing to leave their fine steel arch ordinary arc. Although it seems simple to read, was a major feat of Nephi to make a bow, and then what would be the construction of the boat, and justifiably proud of his achievement.
According to ancient Arab writers, the only useful wood for a bow lafabricación available in all of Arabia was the wood that grew only nabc "amid the rugged cliffs and inaccessible" of montesJasum and Azd, the which are located exactly in the region where, if we follow the story of the Book of Mormon, the incident of the broken bow. Many factors must be properly designed and correlated to make the seemingly simple story of Nephi's bow looks authentic! The high mountains near the Red Sea in a considerable downward journey toward the coast, the dam in the hills, hunting with bow and sling, the discovery of wood to make bows seen by the company as a kind of miracle - What chance is to reproduce the situation by mere conjecture?
Lehi in the Desert and the World of Jaredites. p.45-46
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