Article by Jorge Albarran Riquelme. MY TRANSLATIONS SUD
August 22, 2010
Valdivia, CHILE.
------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- 1.Introduction
In general, one could say that most members of the Church does not have much knowledge about the archeology of the Book of Mormon, except an occasional passing mention in a publication SUD, a brief reference in a manual of the Church or in any website or blog Mormon. On the contrary, there are numerous archaeological sites with arguments against the Book of Mormon, written mostly by apostates and anti-Mormon religious groups. His intention is to produce confusion and try
destroy the testimonies of church members, especially those weaker spiritually.
It is therefore important to note the fact that a growing number of archaeological
additional evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon has been emerging since late last century and aim to reaffirm the fact that the Book of Mormon was written by former Jewish authors as it was the Bible. Even some of the evidence indicates that the Prophet had access to cultural, historical and religious
Columbian time not available until today.
However, faced with every evidence that has been refuting the criticisms and accusations, the opponents of the truth have been producing new false accusations largely distorted the facts, making accommodations or applications of some modern discoveries forced (such as the use of DNA to trace population migrations). Even more curious, and painful, is the fact that the vast majority seem to sincerely listen to the refutations given to their charges and reloaded with the same initial questions which dialogue of the deaf. This is not due to LDS scholars have been silenced by shame frightened by the mere fact of listening to such questions, but most critics have not bothered to examine the responses seriously and honestly. Objective
How can we be prepared when at some point or another we see facing these false accusations? How to deal with them if they seem to confuse us or someone we know and appreciate?
is the purpose of this presentation show some basic starting points to take the issue of
Archaeology of the Book of Mormon. This two clear objectives:
1) that both new members of the Church as the oldest we can clearly recognize the distortions against
Mormon Book, 2) so we can appreciate more deeply the archaeological evidence for this will of Jesus Christ.
However, it should be noted that this evidence alone will not replace the power of a spiritual testimony truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It is therefore essential to our salvation, seek, obtain and
strengthen a spiritual witness of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon and its teachings. So, on this spiritual foundation, we can add these other evidence to strengthen our intellectual testimony.
3. What do we mean by archeology?
The first point is to know what they really mean by this term. The word
Archaeology is composed of two Greek words, "archaea" (old) and "logos" (study). Archaeology is a science that aims to study the ancient societies through its physical remains (eg, monuments, remains, writings, hieroglyphics, place names or the names of places, etc.). In the background is a "reconstruction" of an ancient civilization. But this "reconstruction" raises a number of challenges, problems and limitations, which are vital to know to avoid false expectations or confused with distortion.
4. The limitations of archeology.
The first limitation of archeology is that it is a human science, and
based on the scientific method is constantly being redefined based on new discoveries. In other words, history is being rewritten constantly, and many assumptions that are believed virtually unchanged continuously removed or corrected, accommodating the new findings. Therefore, we will never have a complete and comprehensive picture of past civilizations. In other words, a reconstruction of "virtual" full and perfect is impossible.
A second limitation is the current number of archaeological excavations. For example, less than 10% of potential archaeological areas only in Central America have been excavated so far, either for lack of permit or funds to continue. So how and when could one day a thorough excavation of all potential areas of excavated? And even though theoretically could
solved this problem, there is a third limitation to consider: the fact that there are civilizations that left no written records (essential for a "virtual reconstruction"). Or if they left, they made of materials that have degraded over time. And in the case have been preserved were destroyed by weather events, political and / or war. Even if some civilizations where his records lasted, only very few pieces were saved. An example of this was the case of the Maya codices, burned on purpose by the conquistadors and priests English. Only three of them (perhaps a few hundred) escaped the fire.
Who can say how many civilizations whose records are gone forever?
How many civilizations whose records are yet to be discovered? How many civilizations there do not even know it existed? In fact, for example, never would have known that there were civilizations Jaredite, Nephite and Lamanite but through divine revelation to a prophet, not archeology. And if they had been discovered by archaeologists surmise that we would not have served much longer than anyone could have interpreted their records (Similar to what happens today with some Mesoamerican cultures, where archaeologists are debating whether their records represent words, sounds or ideas or if
phonetically varied depending on the cultural background of those who read them.) Therefore, the Prophet Joseph had handed to a Urim and Thummim to the language might unknown to the world of the plates of the Book of Mormon. How do we know? By revelation. Otherwise, never would know the Book of Mormon.
In conclusion, we must be very careful in thinking that the absence of records of a civilization
is proof that civilization that never existed. As summarized SUD great scholar, Michael R. Ash, "the absence of evidence is the same as evidence of absence?". The answer is "definitely not" and can be applied perfectly to the Book of Mormon civilizations.
5. The Archaeology of the Bible versus the Book of Mormon archeology.
Critics attack the Book of Mormon compared to Biblical Archaeology
but forget that they are completely comparable for 3 specific reasons. Basically argue that biblical archeology is so revealing that irrevocably proves that the events described in the Bible happened.
Unfortunately, the same argument is its own Achilles heel, as Bro Ash, because its apparent religious zeal, "do not make the vital difference between proof, evidence and testimony."
3a. Evidence versus proof What is the difference?
The first point of departure to study the archeology of the Book of Mormon (and thus the Bible) is to establish very clearly the difference between proof and evidence. A test is a physical finding something specific that leaves no doubt about its authenticity. For example, one of the attacks against the Book of Mormon was that this was quite wrong to mention the existence of horses in America since it was believed they were introduced by the English conquistadors in the New World. But the relatively recent findings
bones of prehistoric horses is irrefutable proof that these beasts did exist in America long before the English arrived.
can define, in turn, evidence, and a track (or set of tracks) that indirectly point to confirm a fact. For example, unaware of chiasmata during the life of Joseph Smith.
chiasmata are combinations of repetitive ideas ingeniously arranged in Hebrew poetry. As the Prophet Joseph was unaware of this resource typically Jewish, not surprising that the Book of Mormon contains many examples of chiasmus, of verses to entire chapters. This is further evidence that the Book of Mormon is fully consistent with what is the kind of Hebrew writing.
Another evidence is the recent confirmation of various findings of sheet metal in Central and South America, and others deny the charges against the Book of Mormon was true that in ancient records were made on metal plates. It does not prove that Joseph translated the plates were made of metal and it is genuine archaeological evidence that indirectly supports what the Prophet said about the plates of the Book of Mormon, which enhances the consistency and Consistency of the testimony of the Prophet.
However, it is important to emphasize that neither the evidence nor the evidence in lieu of a spiritual witness of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
Archaeology of the Bible versus the Book of Mormon Archaeology: The 3
back to the comparison between the Biblical Archaeology and the Book of Mormon mention the 3-point gap to understand more fully the limitations of Mormon and Archaeology therefore, the Bible.
Item 1: Climate change and the preservation of records. Despite the fact that an important part of the records were made on parchment and other materials fragile (such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, for example), the great advantage of the biblical lands is its dry climate, which has allowed the preservation of historical records that otherwise would have easily destroyed in an environment like Mesoamerica, with high humidity and a tropical climate. Except for some local and temporary disturbances in the Bible lands, there has been no large-scale post-Flood disasters that have significantly altered the face of the earth.
However, there have been major weather events in Mesoamerica that have altered certain sectors. For example, the Book of Mormon itself speaks of climatic changes while the coming of Jesus Christ to the Americas. In an article in BYU Studies, the LDS scholar Bart Kowallis, theory suggests a volcanic eruption as the physical cause of this climatic phenomenon that lasted 3 hours, and "left disfigured the face of all the earth" (3 rd Nephi 8 : 17). Volcanic explosion that may have caused tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, and complete darkness. What may have disfigured this area and how many records may have been destroyed in that time?
All this tends to support the point that there are records that are missing (partial or complete) of various civilizations, including some that could have been contemporaneous Jaredites, Nephites, Lamanites. In fact, if not for the revelation (and divine preservation), we would know nothing of the existence of these cultures in the Book of Mormon, or its connection with Biblical events. On the other hand, we know from the revelation that there are still other records of other peoples to be revealed in his own time for the Lord.
Item 2: The scope of the archaeological excavations. So far, about 50% of the places mentioned in the Bible have been archaeologically proven. This has been possible thanks to the toponymy, ie the etymological study of the names of a place. The advantage in this regard is that the biblical place names has changed almost little or nothing during the course of the centuries to the present, despite the continued invasion of foreign civilizations throughout history.
However, in the case of Mesoamerican archeology (probably connected to the Archaeology of the Book of Mormon), there was a dramatic break in cultural continuity with the English conquest. Along with destroying many of its sacred and historical records, the English conquistadors invaded and destroyed the civilizations named their cities with names of English origin. Thus we have, for example, the cities of San Lorenzo, La Vista and El Mirador. But we will never know as it was originally not in writing or in its phonetics, which is essential for identifying the historical sites of a civilization. In fact not enough just to find physical artifacts of a civilization if there are no written records (epigraphic)
or hieroglyphics (ideographic) that allow us to connect with a time and place of a particular culture. In addition, experts have not been able to decipher the ideographic characters of several Mesoamerican cultures, much less their phonetic as to complicate things further, according to Michael R. Ash, losmismos ideographic characters would be pronounced in differently depending on whether the speaker was a Zapotec, Mixtec or a Nephite. And even experts debate whether certain records iconographic monuments of some cultures actually represent the names of cities and places no symbolic or mystical.
Item 3: A very young archeology. Another significant development is the relatively recent development of Mormon Archaeology, compared with the Bible, both in time and resources. Thus there is still much research and discoveries made in the future.
For the foregoing reasons, the charges of critics of archeology Book of Mormon does not have any grip. His main thesis that the Mormon archeology should be as productive as the Bible, and which should have been identified Nephite cities and artifacts, such as biblical sites have been identified, is an argument contains a fallacy of departure: that both Archaeology can be compared perfectly.
's more, his claim that archeology proves the Bible is true, is another fallacy that can backfire. Archaeology supports only the places mentioned in the Bible existed by the time stated and in accordance with the existing culture. But otherwise, does not prove that the events occurred there actually happened as the Bible recorded that Jesus was not who qdeclaró be. This enters the field of faith, not archeology. As indicated earlier in this article, no archaeological evidence never replace an unmistakable and unequivocal testimony of the Holy Spirit to our hearts that the events described in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine and Covenants really which happened just as described.
The Book of Mormon civilizations were not the only one in America.
Although the Book of Mormon does not mention them directly, there are clues that the Nephite colony, for example, lived with other civilizations in pre-Columbian America. There is implicit evidence of a cultural exchange and trade with other nations, which even brought negative influences that forced prophets denounce them and call God's people to repentance. In turn, probably the colony Lehies preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, having a favorable outcome. In fact, one of the theories suggests that this could explain the exponential growth of Nephite and Lamanite civilization, as evidenced in the final battles of the Book of Mormon, which would have been mathematically impossible if the original colony had developed Lehies in complete solitude in the Americas. Conclusion
probably never know exactly where were the cities of the Book of Mormon and the church can identify
Nephi or find swords American Nephites (or identify the other civilizations with which they lived). As stated by Kerry Shirts, another LDS scholar, you will most likely have already been found (in Middle America) but we have no further evidence to enable us to archaeological and irrefutably connect with the Book of Mormon, because of all the limitations and reasons previously discussed in this article.
not forget that although the Book of Mormon contains historical elements, is not a historical record but sacred. Its purpose is to conduct a detailed compilation of historic civilizations, but testimony of Jesus Christ and his Gospel.
Sin, however, a growing number of historical claims, which were once mocked, have been gradually confirmed by archaeological evidence. And this trend will continue in the future.
archeology But never prove that the Bible or the Book of Mormon are true but the sincere search for a confirmation of the Holy Ghost (Moroni 10:3-5).
I sincerely hope that this brief article has served as an introduction to the subject of archeology Book de Mormón y haya servido al lector para tomar consciencia de las limitaciones de la arqueología, saber cómo enfrentar y reconocer las acusaciones, las distorsiones así como las preguntas sinceras sobre el Libro de Mormón. Y por lo mismo, a manera de una consecuencia natural de lo anterior, maravillarse y regocijarse de la cantidad creciente de las evidencias arqueológicas (y culturales) a favor de este sagrado registro.
Archeological Evidence and the Book of Mormon, Michael R. Ash, (accesada en Julio 2010)
Debating the Foundations of Mormonism: The Book of Mormon and Archeology, John E. Clark, Wade Ardern and Mathew
Roper, (accesada en Julio 2010)
A Social History of the Early Nephites, Brant Gardner, (accesada en Julio 2010)
Instant Expertise on the Book of Mormon Archeology, John L. Sorenson, BYU. (accesada en Julio 2010)
Where the Lehites alone in the Americas? , Michael R. Ash, (accesada en Julio 2010)
The Backyard Professor
(Youtube), Kerry Shirts, (accessed in July 2010) # p / a
Article by Albarran Jorge Riquelme. MY TRANSLATIONS SUD
August 22, 2010
Valdivia, CHILE.
This is not an official publication of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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